Thursday, February 26, 2015

When I Think of Family by Edie Hsu

I think
I feel
I believe
When I think of family

When I was young I did not
understand news reports,
weather reports.

We are what we believe.
We create in ourselves a life.
Thoughts direct our path.
Decisions validate the choice,
returning to, we are what we believe.

It is a horrible feeling to be unconnected.
It’s not the same as walking alone,
or thinking a thought,
or taking care of oneself.

It’s the resignation, despair of
being unable to feel another’s love.
Little to care – Little to do.

I am alone as I will ever be
when I find you won’t walk
with me.

Seeking, Serving, Subjecting, Sensitizing


This Old Piano by Judy VanDeVelde

The piano sits, quiet and still.
If it could talk, it would have much to tell.
At 90 years old, what can it say?
It was a beauty in its day.
A baby grand, black and proud,
Waiting for fingers to bring its music aloud.
Its history goes back to Depression days,
A family struggling to find its way.
A wealthy aunt with one special gift,
A piano to give the family a lift.

That was the beginning of the piano’s days.
Over the years it has gone in many ways.
Not every owner can fit it in.
It has to mean something – then you can.
Grandparents, daughters, cousins, brothers –

All of the owners were music lovers.
Piano lessons, practicing,
Lovely music – hear them sing.
Even a pet strolls on the keys.
Soon the house is filled with glee.
Times together, times alone,
Piano music makes the background tone.
There are some scratches, marks and scars.
Not all can be fixed, they are what they are.
The memories fill our hearts with love
And thankful thoughts from above.
The piano is more than something to own.

It’s a way of sharing the love we know!