Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Listen to Your Seashells by Gavin Spanegal

I wonder what it’s like to be a
Fish out in the ocean…
A stingray, stingrayin’ out at sea.
You must never get thirsty for water.
At least that’s one good thing.
I guess it’s on my mind because
I know that there is a place for me.
I guess I miss grace.
Gracefulness runs rampant
Out in the lakes and rivers and whereever danger lurks. 
It comes and goes in the most beautifully
Elegant and creative movements.
Scaled walls caving in on other
Scaled walls and nut shells that probably
Taste like cinnamon once you get in.
Your menu must change…
Depending on where you are
I’m getting into it now.
Laying down wripples of green
As we swirve into the deep.
When we listen to our seashells.
We’re returning to sounds
All our ancestors heard the same way
Not to many things we hear now-a-daze
Can make that statement.
Fishing for an answer to
Oceans old question of
“How do you figure it out?”

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